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Feedback from EV Drivers

18 March 2024

We've recently received some great stories from EV drivers, who tell us what they like about their switch to electric.

Hooked on EV

I got hooked on electric vehicles on November 1, 2013, when I learned about Pauline Marois' government's plan to electrify transportation. Following research on the subject, it was in the spring of 2014 that I acquired a first-generation 100% electric vehicle (around 125 km of advertised range), which satisfied my needs at the time.

However, it was in 2018 that I acquired a Tesla 3 Long Range (500 km). It complemented the 2014 Leaf and replaced the gasoline-powered car in our family motorized duo. Gone are the smell of gasoline, the noise of the engine, the higher maintenance costs, and the fluctuating prices at the pump, to mention just a few. And no more range anxiety with an electric vehicle. The bonus is a quiet ride, brisk acceleration, and excellent handling. And charging at home while you spend your time doing something else.

We have no regrets about being among the pioneers in Québec, where electricity is clean, renewable, and affordable when compared to the rest of the world. The addition of a photovoltaic panel system in the summer of 2023 has further reduced electricity needs while adding security of supply in the event of a power failure. Total happiness!

Sylvain Michaud


Happy EV Driver

I've been an EV driver for 3 years. I've rediscovered the pleasure of driving with my Hyundai Kona. The speed of acceleration, the handling and the range make me experience great emotions. In 3 years, I've paid only $200 to maintain my electric vehicle! Not to mention that I've saved nearly $20,000 on gas. In addition to the benefits for bridges and ferries, I always benefit from the best parking spots when I attend sporting or cultural events across the province. With my Electric Circuit and Flo cards, I leave with peace of mind. I can find charging stations even in the most remote places. Long live EVs! I sure don't miss gas pumps and oil changes...

Alain Senécal


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