
Info-Expo AVEQ Mirabel / Marché du terroir de Mirabel

Centre culturel du Domaine-Vert Nord
17530 Jacques-Cartier, Mirabel, QC, J7J 2A9

Date Event Schedule
27 September 10:00 - 15:00

Find out more 

Organized by: AVÉQ Laurentides

Discover Electric Vehicles

Main eligibility criteria

  1. Register for a schedule slot to take part (each adult has to register).
  2. Do not show up if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, if you have been in contact with an infected person or if you were abroad less than 14 days ago.
  3. In registering, you are aware of the health risk posed by the event and you accept responsibility for the coronavirus implications of your participation in this event. Contact tracking: you agree to be contacted if one or more participants may have been in contact with a potentially infected individual on the event site.
  4. You agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions.

See terms and conditions

You will receive email confirmation of your registration, as well as an event survey later on. Please arrive 15 minutes early.

CONFERENCE (French only): A conference entitled "Les voitures électriques, un survol éclair" (Electric cars, a quick overview) is also offered to you. Two performances: 11 am and 1:30 pm. Speaker: Sébastien Côté, Regional Director of AVÉQ. (duration 30 minutes).

Schedule selection

Site access is restricted to a limited number of people: please pick your schedule slot from those available.

Registration Form

This email must be valid in order to receive confirmation of your registration.
Cell phone number to reach you on the day of the event.

Authorization to receive communications

You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time. You can reach us at : info@aveq.ca
You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. You can reach us at: info@equiterre.org, 50, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Bureau 340, Montréal (Québec) H2X 3V4, 514 522-2000.

Terms and conditions

At the event, you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions of use. You can read these terms and conditions in advance. This consent form requires that you agree to drive in a responsible manner, to obey the rules regarding test drives and to assume all liability arising from your actions.
See terms and conditions


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